
Saturday, November 26, 2011

it's BeeN a WhiLe

I just dun have any idea how time flies until i feel and experienced it. It feels like it was yesterday when the first time i put my feet on the KPMIM's ground. But time flies. Its the end of semester 5 already. N i'm not gonna meet my WAFIM'S for a few months. 

This is my beloved WAFIM's.  Strictly no entry  :)

There's bittersweet memories. There are even 'hot' memories, but for sure, those memories are what keeping me alive, today. 

I never thought that i'll found those people who appreciate friendship, those people who know and value friendship, as i am a lone ranger before.

24th November is the most awkward moment ever. I dunno how to describe it, but i know that u know how it feels, peep. (coz i believe u feel the same)  Eventhough u didnt see me crying, but deep inside, my heart is ripping apart.  U know how much i appreciate u guys rite.

This post might be meaningless, but for me,its a true story.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

BaNgGa.. (CoNvoCatioN daY)

Assalamualaikum w.B.t

Hello. HolLa.Hye. 

Okay peeps. Walaupun sy tahu, xde yg bace pon blog ni, tapi saje nk cerita jugak.. HiHi

Semalam Convocation day, kt Putrajaya International Convention Centre. But it's not mine.. my senior's.

And, one of our senior, that is Mohd Asri Bin Jusoh dinobatkan sebagai pelajar contoh for the whole KPM. Bangga rite?

I wish i could be the same too.. :(

Insya Allah, I'm trying my best, to make my family proud of me. At least I wanna make them happy. At least, I draw a smile on their face after a long drought. (okay, tu melampau. HaHa)
Kita sebagai anak akan cuba sedaya- upaya nak buat parents kite happy kan. Biarla berbaloi dengan usaha diorang yg buat macam2 nk bagi kite brjaya. At least mmpu menyenangkan diorang bile diorang da tua nanti..

Ni da last semester. I wish, I could give them my best. At least the number one in my college. Harap2la... Wish me luck guys. :) 

*Mereka dah. Aku bila lagi?

Ya Allah, ya tuhanku. Aku bermohon kepadamu, agar berikanlah aku kesempatan untuk memberi kesenangan hidup kepada kedua orang tuaku. Amin.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

LoVe StoRy

I was lost, u found me
I was drenched in the rain, u gave me shelter,
Inside the scorching heat of the sun i was burning, u took me into your shade...
U gave me hope to love, and love to hope..
U love me without reasons..
u taught me the true meaning of love
U become a part of me
U made me whole again..
My heart now beats for a purpose..To be with you
I wake up every morning with the hope of seeing you..
Your love and affection gives me courage..
You gave me focus and direction...

With Love